This B-type is working the
original 'munitions route' 109 between Woolwich and Penge which
operated from 1916 to 1919. The Arsenal at Woolwich had
increased its workforce from 11,000 to 65,000 and
Government subsidies were paid to encourage improved bus
services. The subsidy was withdrawn at the end of
hostilities and the service reduced accordingly, being discontinued
in February 1919.
The route board reads Penge
Crystal Palace Entrance via Well Hall Rd, High St
Chislehurst W[?], Bromley Market, High St Beckenham; this period
was the only occasion that the route served Well Hall Road, which
indeed then remained unserved for about 10 years. The
conductor obscures the registration number LH82xx, but this is
likely to have been either B3491 or B3494, allocated to Streatham
Garage (AK), operator of the route at the time.