Worcester Park 2008
Alan's photo gallery*
Alan Cross has kindly loaned a
range of photographs taken in our area to be scanned for use
on the site. However, I must apologise to Alan that the
quality of the scans does not do justice to the real thing.

Originally allocated to Camberwell in March
1949 for the 35, the SRTs brakes were inadequate and needed
modifying. After only three months, SRT2 spent a few weeks
off the road before being reintroduced to the less arduous 5 and
5A. Built on the chassis of STL2520, the new body
later became RT4440. The bus is seen at Worcester Park on
Sunday 17 Jul 49, four months after the 5 replaced the 32 at weekends, a short-lived working.
Photo © Alan Cross

Route 156 was one of
the routes to see the hired coaches operated during the period of
severe bus shortage after the war. Here at Morden on 25 May
48 is Bedford O(W?)B CNJ347 of
Sargents of East Grinstead, carrying a non-standard but
non-the-less professional lazy blind for the peak hour short
Photo © Alan Cross

Green lowbridge ST157 at Worcester Park working
the 127 on 9 Jun 52, in the final few
months of its life helping out at Merton until the arrival of the
RLHs that December.
Photo © Alan Cross

Sutton Green on 8 Jan 54 and a study in
blinds. RF399 (showing off the left rear trafficator on the
right side of the bus) has already had its blind changed by
the conductor for the return to Kingston, in order to avoid cutting
into tea time at Sutton Garage. Saunders RT1227 (which had
arrived at Sutton 2 days earlier for only a 5-week stay) shows the
method of revealing the direction of the circular 156. The
via points read in the wrong direction. The only clue is the
cramped destination 'Morden Stn via Sutton & Cheam',
distinguishing the working from an anti-clockwise journey 'via
Cheam & Sutton'.
Photo © Alan Cross

Dismal weather, but a photographer has to be
there.... Green lowbridge STL2229 shows its wartime origins
with the lack of a rear indicator. On 29 Mar 52, it is
working the 127 at Morden (the route plate is visible on the back),
with STL1630 on the 118 and an RT on the 93.
Photo © Alan Cross

For a month in early 1966, London Transport
suffered an overtime ban by staff and emergency services
were operated. The 151 was
operated on weekdays by Carshalton Belle between Hackbridge
and St Helier Avenue (Middleton Road) and by Paynes between
Carshalton (Windsor Castle) and Belmont.
A small page on Carshalton Belle is here.
Can anyone tell us any more about Paynes?
Photo © Alan Cross
* as Alan's customers (and readers of his book) will know,
the book is based on the series of 'Olde Alan's Almanac' or
Chit-Chats produced for customers of his photo stall over the
We unashamedly borrow his title.

Sutton Daimlers D227 and D214 have both boarded
at Morden for the 93 road to North Cheam and, in the case of the
second, Epsom. The date is 16 Apr 49 and they are accompanied
by Brush-bodied D119 on the 156 at the start of its short loan to
Photo © Alan Cross

Kingston's T745 in Cheam Common Road, North
Cheam, on the 213 in 1947. Although only a year old, these
standard provincial buses were a throwback so far as London
Transport was concerned, with crash gearboxes and old-style
Photo © Alan Cross

A Sutton RTL on the 93 - brand new in late
1952, RTL1340 was one of the batch delivered to replace Sutton's
STLs and Daimlers, before later in 1953 being themselves replaced
by RTs.
Photo © Alan Cross

Another stopgap. Godstone had replaced
its twelve famous front-entrance STLs with RLHs on the 410,
but they found other uses in the Country Area. On 17 Jul 52,
five months before the 127 itself converted to RLH
operation, STL1048 made it to Merton to help out.
Photo © Alan Cross

In 1958, the St Helier terminus at Middleton
Avenue looked rather different from today. RLH66 shows
clearly the seat arrangement on the type, with benches for four
upstairs. In August it moved to Harrow Weald for the 230.
Photo © Alan Cross

15 Sep 50, and Kingston garage are on
strike. The station yard is seen here - clearly demonstrating
that Kingston's large fleet didn't fit into the small garage.
In the foreground, TD98 is blinded for the 213. Behind it,
is 1T1 T156, the out-of-sequence bus that was built to replace
T38 when it became the Green line prototype. It was still
being used on the 218 due to the weak
bridge at Walton. To the right is T750, also from the
213. More Mann Egerton TDs complete the scene.
Photo © Alan Cross

RTL1372 shows off the design of Leyland
dumbirons that required the modification to the RT3 body. It
is loading at Morden, working a Christmas Day short on the 156 in
Photo © Alan Cross