Welcome to Red-RF.com - the site dedicated to London Transport's red single-deck buses


Please note that there is currently no email service on Red-RF.com.  To contact me, please use RT4779 [at] gmail.com


The old railway bridge at Mill Hill Broadway, featuring crew-operated RF367 on route 251 to Burnt Oak in the early 1960s, before the M1 extension and the modernisation of the railway.  Class 27 D5380 completes the picture.

Photo © Fred Ivey


Central Area single-deck operations

This site provides details of single-deck services operated by the Central Area of London Transport, up to 1968, and in particular those operated by RFs (1952-1979) - see Red RF routes.  We are pleased to include memories and comments from crews and others that remember RFs in operation.  There is also a brief history of the RF class, some local history and some background notes on LT operations.
For events, please refer to LondonBusMuseum.com.
Notes for this site
Click on (almost) any photo for a larger version, red text for links and the banner to return to this home page.  Pages updated since January 2013 show the date of the last change.
David Moore captured RLH23 at our first event, Hackney 2006, arriving at the Maryland terminus of the 178.
Photo © David Moore